Corydora Upside Down but Alive

Corydora Upside Down but Alive

You may have come across the puzzling sight of a corydora fish swimming upside down. It’s not uncommon for corydoras to display this behavior, and you may be relieved to know that in most cases, they are perfectly fine and healthy.  Understanding the Upside-Down Behavior When you first witness a corydora swimming upside down, it’s … Read more

Can Snails Eat Dead Fish? All You Need To Know

Can Snails Eat Dead Fish

Meta: Yes, snails do eat dead fish. Snails are known to be scavengers and feed on various organic materials, including dead animals.  If you’ve ever owned a fish tank or have spent time observing aquatic life in nature, you may have wondered about the eating habits of snails. Snails are fascinating creatures that play important … Read more

Can Shrimp Eat Snail Eggs? Find Out Here

Can Shrimp Eat Snail Eggs

If you’re a shrimp owner or have an interest in aquatic creatures, you may have wondered about the dietary habits of shrimp. Specifically, you may have questioned whether shrimp eat snail eggs. In this article, we will dive deep into this topic and explore the relationship between shrimp and snail eggs.  Do Shrimp Eat Snail … Read more

Can Pea Puffers Eat Shrimp? Exploring Their Eating Habits

Can Pea Puffers Eat Shrimp

If you’re considering adding pea puffers to your aquarium, or if you already have one, you might be wondering about their dietary preferences. Pea puffers, also known as dwarf puffers (Carinotetraodon travancoricus), are small, vibrant fish native to South Asia. These little puffers have unique dietary needs, and one question that often comes up is … Read more

Steps to Make a Large Aquarium

Make a Large Aquarium

Welcome to our guide on how to make a large aquarium. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced hobbyist, creating a large aquarium can be a rewarding and enjoyable project. In this comprehensive guide, I will take you through each step of the process, providing detailed instructions and helpful tips along the way. By the … Read more

Can Snails Eat Dead Fish? All You Need To Know

Can Snails Eat Dead Fish

If you’ve ever owned a fish tank or have spent time observing aquatic life in nature, you may have wondered about the eating habits of snails. Snails are fascinating creatures that play important roles in the ecosystem, but do they eat dead fish? In this article, we’ll explore this question in detail and provide you … Read more

What a Fish Tank Should Smell Like

What a Fish Tank Should Smell Like

When it comes to maintaining a fish tank, there are several important factors to consider. Water quality is one of the most crucial aspects of fish tank care, and a key indicator of water quality is the smell. A fish tank should ideally have a clean and neutral odor, reminiscent of fresh water. Any strong … Read more

How to Bring Nitrates Down? – Proper Solution

How to Bring Nitrates Down

Having an aquarium is a delightful experience, as it allows you to bring a slice of underwater life into your home. However, maintaining optimal water conditions in your aquarium is crucial for the health and well-being of your fish and other aquatic inhabitants. One parameter that requires your attention is nitrates. To reduce nitrates in … Read more

How Often Do Bladder Snails Lay Eggs?

How Often Do Bladder Snails Lay Eggs

Bladder snails, also known as pond snails or physids, are small freshwater snails that are often found in aquariums and ponds. They are prolific breeders and can quickly multiply if not controlled. If you have bladder snails in your tank or pond, you may be wondering how often they lay eggs and how to manage … Read more

Does Algaefix Work?

Does Algaefix Work

The effectiveness of Algaefix depends on the specific type of algae you are targeting and how well you follow the product’s instructions. It is generally effective against common types of algae, but results may vary. If you’ve been dealing with pesky algae in your aquarium, pond, or fountain, then Algaefix is the solution you’ve been … Read more