Can Pea Puffers Live With Shrimp?

Can pea puffers live with shrimp? The answer is not a straightforward yes or no, but rather a careful consideration of the compatibility between these captivating creatures. Pea puffers, with their charming personalities and insatiable appetites, pose a potential threat to shrimp due to their carnivorous nature. Generally, pea puffers (Carinotetraodon travancoricus) should not be kept with shrimp, as they are likely to prey on and consume the shrimp.

However, with the right setup and sufficient space, it is possible to create a harmonious habitat where these fascinating creatures coexist peacefully. So, whether you’re an avid shrimp enthusiast or a pea puffer aficionado, read on to find out how you can create a thriving ecosystem that accommodates both species.

Can Pea Puffers Live with Shrimp?

pea puffers can live with shrimp in the same aquarium under certain conditions. However, it’s important to note that pea puffers have a natural predatory instinct and may view shrimp as food. Here are some details about keeping pea puffers and shrimp together:

Nature of Pea Puffers

Before we delve into whether pea puffers can live with shrimp, let’s take a closer look at the nature of these fascinating fish. Pea puffers are notorious for being territorial, aggressive, and highly carnivorous. In their natural habitat, which includes freshwater bodies in Southeast Asia, they primarily feed on small crustaceans, including snails, insects, and yes, shrimp. Due to their carnivorous nature, they have sharp beaks and strong jaws adapted for crushing and consuming prey.

Things to Consider Before Housing Pea Puffers with Shrimp

If you’re considering creating a mixed-species aquarium with pea puffers and shrimp, it’s crucial to evaluate several factors. Here are some important considerations:

1. Tank Size and Setup

Pea puffers require a minimum tank size of 10 gallons, but larger tanks are generally recommended to provide ample swimming space and to accommodate the needs of other tank mates. For successful cohabitation with shrimp, it’s important to create a well-established and densely planted aquarium with numerous hiding spots, such as caves, driftwood, or plants, to provide refuge for both pea puffers and shrimp.

2. Shrimp Species Selection

Not all shrimp species are suitable for sharing a tank with pea puffers. Some shrimp, especially larger and more assertive varieties, may be better equipped to handle the puffer’s aggression. It’s generally recommended to select hardy and relatively large shrimp species, such as amano shrimp or ghost shrimp, as they are better able to defend themselves against potential attacks.

3. Pea Puffer Temperament

Pea puffers have a reputation for being aggressive and territorial. While individual temperaments can vary, it’s essential to be aware that these fish may exhibit aggressive behavior towards tank mates, including shrimp. It’s crucial to closely observe their behavior and be prepared to intervene if necessary.

Potential Challenges and Risks

When housing pea puffers and shrimp together, there are several challenges and potential risks that you should be aware of:

1. Aggression towards Shrimp

As mentioned earlier, pea puffers are carnivorous and have a natural instinct to hunt and consume small crustaceans, including shrimp. While some aquarists have managed to maintain a peaceful coexistence between the two, it’s important to recognize that pea puffers may view shrimp as prey and exhibit predatory behavior towards them. This can lead to injury or even the death of the shrimp.

2. Shrimp Stress and Hiding Behavior

The presence of pea puffers in the tank can cause stress to shrimp, making them feel vulnerable and constantly on the lookout for potential attacks. This stress can impact their eating habits, reproductive capabilities, and overall well-being. Shrimp may spend most of their time hiding to avoid predation, which can limit their visibility and enjoyment in the aquarium.

3. Food Competition

Pea puffers have a voracious appetite and require a meaty diet rich in protein. They may compete with shrimp for food, especially if the aquarium is not adequately stocked with appropriate food sources. Ensuring that both pea puffers and shrimp receive their required nutrition is essential for their well-being.

4. Breeding Challenges

If you’re planning to breed shrimp in a tank with pea puffers, it can pose several challenges. The aggressive nature of pea puffers can lead to the consumption of shrimp fry or even adult shrimp, making it difficult for successful breeding to occur.

Tips for Successful Coexistence

While there are risks involved in housing pea puffers with shrimp, some aquarists have managed successful mixed-species tanks. If you’re determined to give it a try, consider the following tips:

1. Tank Setup and Hiding Spots

Create a well-planted tank with plenty of hiding spots for shrimp. This helps in minimizing stress and provides refuge from potential predator attacks.

2. Large Shrimp Species

Opt for larger and more robust shrimp species, such as amano shrimp or ghost shrimp, that are better able to defend themselves against aggression. Avoid smaller and more delicate shrimp varieties.

3. Separate Feeding Areas

To reduce food competition, consider providing separate feeding areas for pea puffers and shrimp. This can be achieved by placing food in different sections of the tank or using feeding dishes for each species.

4. Close Monitoring

Regularly observe the behavior of pea puffers and shrimp. If signs of aggression or stress are observed, be prepared to separate the shrimp into a different tank to ensure their safety.

5. Gradual Introductions

When introducing pea puffers and shrimp to the tank, do it gradually and monitor their interactions closely. This allows both species to acclimate to each other’s presence and reduces the likelihood of aggressive behavior.


In conclusion, the compatibility of pea puffers and shrimp in the same tank is not guaranteed. While some aquarists have successfully housed them together, it’s important to understand the inherent risks and challenges involved. Pea puffers have a natural instinct to hunt small crustaceans, including shrimp, which can lead to aggression, stress, and potential harm to the shrimp. If you still choose to pursue a mixed-species tank, careful consideration of tank setup, shrimp species selection, and close monitoring is essential for the well-being of both pea puffers and shrimp. Remember to prioritize the safety and welfare of your aquatic pets when making tankmate decisions. Happy aquarium keeping!

FAQ about Pea Puffers and Shrimp

Do pea puffers eat shrimp?

Yes, pea puffers are known to eat small shrimp, especially if the shrimp are of a size that fits into their mouth.

How long do puffer fish live?

The lifespan of puffer fish can vary, but on average, they can live anywhere from 5 to 10 years, depending on the species and the quality of care provided.

Can shrimp live with dwarf puffers?

It is generally not recommended to keep shrimp with dwarf puffers, as puffers are known for their predatory behavior and may view shrimp as potential food.

Will pea puffers eat seed shrimp?

Pea puffers may eat seed shrimp, as they have a carnivorous diet and tend to consume small aquatic organisms.

Do pea puffers eat brine shrimp?

Yes, pea puffers can eat brine shrimp, but it’s essential to ensure a varied diet that includes other foods for their overall health.

What do you feed pea puffers?

Pea puffers have a carnivorous diet, and they can be fed a variety of live or frozen foods such as bloodworms, daphnia, brine shrimp, and small snails.

Pea puffers and shrimp tank mates?

It is generally not advisable to keep pea puffers and shrimp together in the same tank, as pea puffers may prey on the shrimp.

Will pea puffers eat Amano shrimp?

Yes, there is a risk that pea puffers may eat Amano shrimp, as they are small and may be seen as potential prey.

Do pea puffers eat ghost shrimp?

Yes, pea puffers are likely to eat ghost shrimp, as they have a predatory nature and may view smaller organisms as food.

Pea puffer size?

Pea puffers are small freshwater fish, and their size typically ranges from 1 to 1.5 inches (2.5 to 3.8 cm) when fully grown.

Pea puffer tank size?

A recommended tank size for pea puffers is around 10 gallons, but larger tanks with ample hiding spaces and suitable water parameters are preferable for their well-being.

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